Signature Paradise Realty International
6699 N. Federal Highway, Suite 103. Boca Raton, FL 33487
(410) 733-7222
markresnick@signatureparadise.comMark Jeffrey Resnick
Mark Resnick, had been a school psychologist for over 37 years, the last 11 years serving as School Psychologist Coordinator for a large school system in Maryland. He received his MA degree from Loyola College in Clinical Psychology and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Kansas in Developmental and Child Psychology. In 1989, Mark was elected to the Board of the Maryland School Psychologists’ Association (MSPA) and served as its President, during the 1991-1992 school year. Mark served as Chair of the Professional Standards Committee for MSPA for over 11 years and was committed to advancing the standards of the profession of school psychology in Maryland. He has represented MSPA on the Governor’s Task Force on Alternative Educational Programs for Chronically Disruptive Students from 1999-2000 and served on the Prince George’s County Juvenile Court and School Safety Work Group from 2013-2014. On a national level, Mark has served the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) on the Convention Committee since 2004 and as co-chair of the Professional Growth Committee from 2006-2010. During this time, he coordinated the NASP Speaker’s Bureau and served as a reviewer for the NASP Approved Provider Program. He was also an Editorial Reviewer for Best Practices in School Psychology IV in 2002. Mark was nominated twice for the MSPA Outstanding Educator’s Award in 2014 and 2015. He received the National Association of School Psychologists’ President’s Award in 2008 for his work on the Professional Growth Committee. In 2017, Mark was voted as a Distinguished member of MSPA for his years of service to the organization and to the students of Maryland. Mark retired in October of 2017 from the Maryland public school system and relocated to Boca Raton, Florida. He became a licensed real estate sales associate in Florida in April of 2018.